Agenda Communication - Communication Network Analysis
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Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
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About this workshop

A Stitch in Time:

Preventing Conflict

Before it Starts

Next Workshop

This workshop is scheduled on an as-required basis



Contact us for booking details.

Registered Training Organisation


As we all know, prevention is better than cure, and nowhere is that more important than in the conflict-prone team environment of the workplace.  This workshop explores ways to prevent disagreement turning into outright hostility.

The full-day version of the workshop includes activities and discussion on:


The half-day session covers only some of these points.

Note: Agenda Communication is also able to conduct a Communication Network Analysis (CNA) in your workplace, to identify bottlenecks, flashpoints and ineffective human communication systems. Click here for more details.